الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري
الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري

ظهور جديد لـ كاميلا كابيلو وشون ميندز.. والجمهور ينتظر تأكيد شائعة ارتباطهما

كاميلا كابيلو وشون
كاميلا كابيلو وشون ميندز

تلاحق الأنظار الثنائي الفني الشهير المغنية الأمريكية الكوبية كاميلا كابيلو والنجم العالمي شون مينديز، في كل مكان يذهبان إليه، وسط انتظار كبير من جمهورهما إعلان خبر ارتباطهما، بعد انتشار تلك الشائعة بشكل كبير بسبب ظهورهما الرومانسي بين الحين والآخر.

وآخر ظهور لهما، كان في أحد المطاعم في فلوريدا بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، حيث ظهرا وهما يتناولان مشروبات ساخنة ويمسكان بيد بعضهما البعض حيث تداول لهما عدد من الفيديوهات نشرها رواد موقع التواصل الاجتماعي.

حقق كليب Señorita للنجمة كاميلا كابيلو وشون ميندز 358 مليون مشاهدة بعد مرور شهر على طرحه بموقع يوتيوب.

وشهد الكليب عددًا من المشاهد الرومانسية التي جمعت بين كاميلا كابيلو وشون مينديز على أنغام الأغنية التي قدمت باللغة الإنجليزية.
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hi! so a lot of people asked me what happend yesterday so i’m gonna day it on here. we went to the hotel bc maybe he’d take pics. we saw tour busses, and we also saw Cez, we asked him for a picture and he said he couldn’t do pictures. then shawn and camila apparently leave in a black SUV, and one of our friends finds out he was at this resteraunt goes to. So we go there. in no way are we trying to invade their privacy bc we didint wanna do that. We get there and see them and i’m like ITS HIM IM SEEING HIM AGAIN AT A RESTERAUNT! So i see shawn behind the door of the area they were eating in and we all get in a line. shawn says hi to us and walks to the tea bar with camila, (that’s in the 4th video. So then we see Shawn and Camila sit down at the tea bar and we are like freaking out but quietly and odv not going up to them. Then we just see them laughing and smiling at each other and stuff while shawn and camila are drinking their tea 😂 ! Then like girls start showing up and we’re like “oh nooo” people started-going up to them, and they were fine about it they were like smiling and stuff. so then one of the girls that we met goes up to him. They were extremely nice and said we should to it. Then one of my friends goes up to him with her mom and talks to them and they were really nice and fine. so then i was like “you know what, im doing it” there was some people infront of me going up to him. then it was my turn shawn and camila are sitting down facing me. I say “hi i love you guys so much like you mean the world to me.” and Camila says “omg hi cutie how old are you?” i say “12 almost 13.” (btw at this point i was like crying) then i go “I totally understand you guys aren’t taking pictures like i totally respect that.” in the middle of me saying that SHAWN GRABS MY HAND AND ITS THE HAND THAT HE HAS HIS BRACELET RINGS AND THE SWALLOW TATTOO. HE TOUCHES THE BRACELETS I MADE AND HE SEES THEY SAY “MENDES” “MERCY” “HONEY” “YOUTH” and like some of those. this is where i start like full out crying in front of them.THEN SHAWN HIS HANDS OUT TO HUG ME AND LET ME TELL YOU HE SMELLS AMAZING! Then I HUG THE CAMILA! READ REST IT COMMENTS ITS GOOD

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