الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري
الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري

Anniversary of the 10th of Ramadan is a great day in our history: Al Sisi

President Abdel Fattah Sisi، the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces congratulated the armed forces and the Egyptian people on the anniversary of the 10th of Ramadan. This day synchronizes with victory of the October 6، 1973 over Israel.
Al Sisi stressed that this day will continue to be a great day in our national and military history. It symbolized the lineup of the people and the armed forces to achieve one of the greatest victories for the Egyptians in the modern era.

Al Sisi’s statements came during a meeting with leaders of the armed forces after performance of Friday prayers in the mosque of Al Mosheer Tantawi، today، Friday.
Translated by Ahmed Moamar