الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري
الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري

بدون مكياج.. شقيقة هنا الزاهد تبرز جمالها في أحدث ظهور لها

شقيقة هنا الزاهد
شقيقة هنا الزاهد

حرصت فرح شقيقة الفنانة هنا الزاهد على مشاركة متابعيها عبر حسابها الرسمى على موقع التواصل الاجتماعى الانستجرام، بصور جديدة لها.

تألقت شقيقة هنا الزاهد فى الصور بإطلالة كاجوال، مرتدية سويت شيرت و نسقت معه قميصا كروهات جمع بين اللون النبيتى والأبيض والرمادى ما منحها إطلالة عصرية.

ومن الناحية الجمالية، لم تتكلف شقيقة هنا الزاهد فى وضع مساحيق التجميل مما كشف عن جمالها الطبيعى، واعتمدت على خصلات شعرها الانسيابى المنسدلة على كتفيها.

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Some of my favorite kind of poses! Here are some pictures of me being out of home after a long time suffering from things I literally have no control over and after finally deciding to stop pushing myself down each and every time things goes out of control or not as I expect trying to feel much more alive and alert in order to be able to continue dealing with everything in life while having a true inner peace and gratefulness because simply this is life and we have got to deal with all its ups and downs so being depressed, sad or even nervous about its issues will not only affect you mentally, physically or even psychologically from the inside but this will actually affect you from the outside too controlling your mind making you lose interest and pleasure in everything you once enjoyed so here are my words to you all may it can help someone out there fooled with how people appear on social media making their lives look way much better than it actually is and may sometimes making it look away even from reality itself so please know well that mainly no one would love to post their failures and even their depressing moments or difficulties and that is the main reason behind this post to make you feel that you are not alone suffering out there and me myself suffered from depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive and insomnia all at once while posting things on Instagram that you all liked and commented on how I seemed as I am living my best life so that is why I am telling you here that nothing can ever be as perfect as it seems and you should always be grateful about your life knowing that you are living your best scenario and that it definitely can not get any better and please remember that “EVERYONE YOU MEET IS FIGHTING A BATTLE YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT. BE KIND. ALWAYS.” ❤️ - Farah

A post shared by Farah El-Zahed (@farahelzahed) on