الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري
الإشراف العام
إلهام أبو الفتح
رئيس التحرير
أحمــد صبـري

ذاكر معانا.. مراجعات «صدى البلد» في اللغة الإنجليزية «القصة» للثانوية العامة

صدى البلد

حرصا من موقع «صدى البلد» الإخباري على أبنائنا من طلاب الثانوية العامة نقدم لكم المراجعة النهائية في مادة اللغة الإنجليزية (أسئلة للمتميزين في القصة) من إعداد الأستاذ / «محمود رضا» مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية بمحافظة الجيزة  

أسئلة قصة للمتميزين

Which opportunities do you think Rudolf Rassendyll enjoyed?
He belonged to a wealthy family and had money enough almost to buy any thing.

Which do you think is good for a person to take responsibilities or see opportunities? Why?
To take responsibility, to be a helpful member of a society.

Who do you think exceled the other Rudolf Rassendyll or Robert Rassendyll?
I think Robert...as he knows his position requires responsibility.

Why do you think Rassendyll and the King were speechless on looking at each other?
As they looked identical twins.

Do you think the King might be angry because Rassendyll looked exactly like him? Why?
No, he can't help being exactly similar to him.

What do you think the problem that might happen if Rassendyll went to Strelsau during the coronation?
People may laugh at the king

Why do you thinkAntoinette did not cry out that was not the King?
I think she was not completely sure and hesitant.

Why do you think the Marshal gave his men an order to get into the old part of the town during the procession?
Perhaps to test the new king

The King’s companions had different attitudes towards his visit to the old town alone during the procession. Discuss.
They feared that any one may hurt him.

Why do you think Michael would not say that Rassendyll was not the real King?
He can't admit kidnapping his brother and killing his own servant.

Why do you think Michael would not dare to kill the real king?
Because Rassendyll would remain a king for ever.

Why do you think Rassendyll was doubtful about the success of Sapt’s plan?
As some one ma realise he isn't the real king.